Raise the Bar in your GROW by preserving cannabis quality and streamlining your drying process with Spacesaver’s patent-pending GROW Drying System. Consisting of carts, racks, and mobile carriages that move on rails, the system is designed to help you and your team harvest more efficiently while also preserving plant quality.
The concept is simple: Hang plants once and they remain in place during harvest, transport, and drying. By eliminating unnecessary handling, the system helps keep plants’ molecular structures intact, which reduces terpene and THC degradation. It results in lower labor costs, a more valuable yield, and higher revenues.
Our GROW Drying Rack is fully adjustable using Vertical posts and T-bars to optimize space in drying rooms while also promoting proper air circulation among hanging plants. Easy knock-down upright construction for cleanability. GROW White paint is designed for UV exposure and humid environments, with high reflectivity, excellent color fastness, and antimicrobial properties.
When the GROW Drying Rack System is mounted on Spacesaver’s GROW carriage, the now movable system maximizes your footprint by eliminating idle aisles (see our GROW Drying Mobile System Model).
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