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ARC (wall)
ARC (wall)
ARC (wall)

    ARC (wall)

    3.8 out of 5 stars3.8(6 reviews)


    Outdoor luminaire in classic design for building facades.

    The facade luminaire provides a pleasantly uniform and wide-beam light on the wall.

    On the underside of the lamp there are integrated electrical outlets (available with one or two outlets).

    If the lamp is mounted on the garden shed or terrace, Arc’s integrated electrical outlets are perfect for electric garden tools, the electric grill or winter decorative lighting. The outlets can be controlled individually.

    The luminaire has a simple installation by having a separate mounting frame, few screws and generally plenty of space to work on. The driver is built-in and the light level is controlled via a DIP switch.

    • Material: Aluminium

      Light source: LED (included)

      Mounting: Wall

      Dimensions LxW: 270 x 150

      Dimensions H: 140

      IP-Rating: IP54/65

      Voltage: 230V

      (Dimensions in mm)

    Техническая спецификация
    • Уникальная ссылкаSolarLight_ARC
    • Тип продукцииSolar Light
    • Группа продукцииWall
    • ТипОбъект (один объект)
    • Дата публикации2020-08-31
    • Номер версии1
    • Основной материалАлюминий
    • Категория BIMobjectОсвещение - Настенное оборудование
    • Классификация IFCОсветительные приборы
    • Код ETIMEC002892
    • Название ETIMCeiling-/wall luminaire
    • Код Uniclass 2015EF_70_80
    • Описание Uniclass 2015Lighting
    • Код CSI MasterFormat 201426 50 00
    • Заголовок CSI MasterFormat 2014Lighting
    • Номер OmniClass23-35 47 11
    • Наименование OmniClassLighting Fixtures

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