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Specialty Mobile Safety Railing
Specialty Mobile Safety Railing
Specialty Mobile Safety Railing
Specialty Mobile Safety Railing
Specialty Mobile Safety Railing
    Safety Rail Company

    Specialty Mobile Safety Railing

    Our portable, free-standing safety railing and guardrail systems meet and exceed OSHA regulations for fall protection compliance. Each one of our fall protection products support our unwavering commitment at Safety Rail Company to help ensure that your work environment is safe, secure and productive. Each one of our safety products are tested and certified to meet or exceed OSHA standards for fall protection. More specifically, our portable, non-penetrating guard rails are classified as hazard barriers by acting as a physical barrier between the worker and the fall hazard. Common applications are flat roof fall protection along the leading edge of roof perimeters, ladder access points, roof hatches, skylight guarding and more. Our guard rail systems are also used on loading docks, shipping pit protection, warehouse traffic lanes, crowd control, pier and rail yard protection and much more.

    We take pride in our portable guard rail design. Each safety guardrail system is simple to install and versatile in the respect that they can be set up in a number of different configurations to fit within your existing infrastructure. Once installed, workers are free to move about inside the perimeter without the need of being tied off to an approved anchorage device as with harnesses and lanyards. This allows for complete freedom of movement of secured personnel.

    You can rest assured that here at Safety Rail Company, our professional sales and engineering staff is here to help in meeting your specific fall protection requirements. We also provide custom colors and galvanized finishes. Our design and engineering teams work hard to ensure that our safety products meet the highest product quality and performance standards. Give us a call today with any questions you may have. Safety Rail Company is here to support your business by making your work environment safe, secure and OSHA compliant.

    • Along with the standard SRC360 Mobile Railing offering there are an almost unlimited specialty application scenarios encountered on a commercial roof. To accommodate these special circumstances, Safety Rail Company builds a wide variety of specialty railings and custom fabrications to ensure that fall protection standards are being met and the client achieves their fall protection goals without the need for seeking out multiple suppliers. We strive to be that one-stop-shop supplier for our clients thereby ensure that all components work seamlessly together. Here is a partial list of some common specialty applications shown on the products page.

      Parapet Wall Railing: 

      Many buildings will have a short parapet wall around them with a roof hatch or mechanical equipment mounted right next to the wall. Our parapet wall railing is a "U" shaped railing that wraps over the top of the parapet and around the unit being guarded. This "U" shape railing allows the worker to access the unit without have railing in the way of their work. 

       Camera or Light Protection:

      Many buildings will have a camera or antenna or exterior light on the corner of a building. Our parapet corner wall railing is  "V" shaped railing that wraps over the top of the parapet and around or up to the unit being guarded. This "V" shape railing allows the worker to access the unit without have railing in the way of their work.   

      Finish Railings:

       Many buildings will have a fixed ladder coming up the side of a building. Our finish railings feature a 12" overhang on one end of the railing leg. This loop shape to the railing allows a worker a handhold to the railing but the base plate is inset from the loop so it does not present a tripping hazard. These railings can also be used to close off any gaps in the railing run that might exist on corners where no gap is preferred.    

       Toeboards for Railings:

      95% off rooftop railing installations do not require toeboards. They are only required if there is imminent danger of kicking something off the roof onto someone below. Our toeboards sit on top of our base plate and the railings are inserted through receiver holes in the toeboard and base thus locking the toeboard onto the base. Toeboards are available in powder coat yellow or galvanized finish and are fit to each size of railing. 

       Adjustable Height Adaptor for Railings:

      Some roofs will have different roof levels that vary from an inch to several inched higher or lower than adjoining roof. The Adjustable Height Adaptor inserts inside one of the leg of a railing to lift it higher in the base plate to match next higher roof level. This allows a continuous line of railings from one level to the next without creating individual railing runs on each level. Height variations of 11" can be accommodated with the adaptor insert.

    Техническая спецификация
    • Уникальная ссылкаSpecialty-mobile-safety-railing
    • Тип продукцииMobile Safety Rail
    • Группа продукцииSpecialty
    • ТипОбъект (один объект)
    • Дата публикации2021-12-13
    • Номер версии1
    • Высота (дюймы)42
    • Основной материалСталь с порошковым покрытием
    • Вспомогательный материалПокрытие, нанесенное способом горячего цинкования
    • Разработано вСоединенные Штаты Америки
    • Страна-производительСоединенные Штаты Америки
    • Категория BIMobjectСтроительство - Перила
    • Классификация IFCПерила
    • Код CSI MasterFormat 201405 52 00
    • Заголовок CSI MasterFormat 2014Metal Railings
    • Номер OmniClass23-17 25 11 11 17
    • Наименование OmniClassRailing

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