ProWood® FR (fire retardant) pressure-treated wood is code-compliant, and UL-approved. Our fire-retardant chemical protects the wood by changing the chemistry of the wood. When the chemical heats up, it emits water and carbon dioxide, creating a char layer to slow the burn, spread of flames, and smoke development.
Advanced Technology - Our fire-retardant chemicals protect each piece of lumber from future fire hazards.
UL Approved - Specifiers need a trusted product. ProWood FR is stamped with UL FR-S designation and ICC-ES report ESR-4373.
Trusted Performance - We're confident ProWood FR will perform, and that's why it's backed with a 50-year limited warranty.
About the File: -This was developed as a system family. It's a wall assembly and includes a structure/stud layer with branded parts while the other wall parts will be generic or "by others" for you to specify the manufacturer of your choice.
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