Peerless-AV’s SmartMount® Universal Scissor Wall Mount is the optimal mounting solution for UC/VC applications and recessed walls as the STS650 allows for convenient access to components stored behind the display. The STS650’s extendable adaptors allow the display to be pulled 12" (305 mm) from the wall to easily access the back of the display, and can be locked into place when the installation or maintenance is completed. Installation of the display is a breeze with the Hook-and-Hang™ feature, and the mount’s open access design provides the maximum open area on the wall to allow flexible placement for outlets and/or in-wall boxes. Post-installation leveling and side-to-side adjustability features allow for fine tuning of the mounted display for the perfect position in any corporate conference room, digital signage application or hospitality setting.
This display size range is simply a guideline for product selection. Displays larger than the screen size range may still be compatible as long as they fall within the VESA® pattern and max weight of the Peerless-AV® product.
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