The HP447 series flat-panel Tabletop TV Swivel Mount offers a secure, functional and sleek tabletop surface mount for hospitality applications. Designed to seamlessly connect to a variety of flat panel screen models while its deeper adaptor plate allows for easy access to cable input connections. The built-in adaptor plate is VESA® 200 x 100 and 200 x 200mm compliant and comes with security screws to deter tampering and theft. The mount provides more than just aesthetics and theft deterrence with its swivel range from 0º to 360º it delivers virtually any viewing angle within its diameter. Completing the package is the mounts’ decorative base and internal cable management that give it a clean, clutter-free appearance.
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Северная Америка |
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Антигуа и Барбуда |
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Виргинские Острова |
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Острова Теркс и Кайкос |
Панама |
Пуэрто-Рико |
Сальвадор |
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Сен-Мартен |
Сен-Пьер и Микелон |
Сент-Винсент и Гренадины |
Сент-Китс и Невис |
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