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WhisperGreen Select One Fan - Multiple IAQ Solutions, 50-80-110 CFM, FV-0511VK2
Panasonic Ventilation

WhisperGreen Select One Fan - Multiple IAQ Solutions, 50-80-110 CFM, FV-0511VK2

WhisperGreen Select™ ceiling fan

WhisperGreen Select™ is revolutionizing the ventilation fan industry with a new set of features that enable customization and easier installation. This all-purpose Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) solution gives you more than 250 possible configurations; through multiple flow rates, optional Plug 'N Play® modules and installation flexibility. WhisperGreen Select™ is your total solution for indoor air quality, code compliance, green certification and healthy indoor environments.

Pick-A-Flow® speed technology - One fan, you choose the CFM

Built-in Pick-A-Flow® speed selector provides the unique ability to select your required airflow (based on the fan model) with the simple flip of a switch. Being able to choose the proper CFM level gives you the flexibility and assurance that one fan will satisfy a range of ventilation design requirements and perform as promised, even with a complicated duct run.

Plug 'N Play modules to build your perfect vent fan

WhisperGreen Select's customization features really kick in with a set of patented Plug 'N Play® modules that give you the flexibility to design the perfect fan in advance, or on the fly, for a variety of ventilation applications. With our unique Plug 'N Play modules, you can choose up to three extra features. The first snap-in slot is designed for the Multi-Speed (0, 30 to 110 CFM) module with high/low delay timer. The two remaining slots can accommodate the SmartAction® Motion Sensor, Condensation Sensor or NiteGlo® LED night Light.

Most performing and energy efficient motor

The revolutionary DC motor with intelligent self-adjusting Smart Flow® technology senses the amount of resistance in the duct run and automatically adjusts the fan speed to deliver the optimal CFM output, even in the case of a complicated duct run. The Panasonic DC motor with Smart Flow® technology moves more air using less energy, so the fan is more energy efficient and lasts longer. Designed to run continuously, WhisperGreen Select can deliver whole-house continuous ventilation.

LED lamps provide warm, energy efficient illumination (select models)

WhisperGreen Select fan/light combinations feature a contemporary flush mount grille that incorporates Two replaceable 7W GU24 base LED lamps. Panasonic's advanced LED technology lasts 4 times longer than compact fluorescent lamps and does not contribute to mercury waste when disposed.

Fast, flexible and easy installation

The Flex-Z Fast® Installation Bracket with articulating joints is ideal for positioning the fan exactly where you want it, in old or new construction. WhisperGreen Select incorporates an integrated dual 4 in. or 6 in. duct adapter to give you flexibility in duct layout and design. For short runs, you can go with a smaller duct size, but long runs are OK too - just move up to the 6 in. duct. Also fits in 2 x 8 construction. Panasonic fans are UL listed for tub/shower enclosure (just install them on a GFCI-protected circuit). With these great features, your installation options open up.

ENERGY STAR®- Certified for energy savings

Panasonic ventilation fans are ENERGY STAR® certified, where guidelines exist. ENERGY STAR® vent fans meet strict parameters set by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). They provide better efficiency and comfort with less noise, and feature high performance motors and improved blade design, providing better performance and longer life. WhisperGreen Select was awarded 2015 Most Efficient. This mark recognizes WhisperGreen Select as delivering cutting edge energy efficiency along with the latest in technological innovation. It is an award that represents the best of those products that qualify for ENERGY STAR®.

  • Product family nameWhisperGreen Select™
    Air volume exhaust (CFM)50 CFM@ 0.1" SP, 51 CFM @ 0.25" SP | 80 CFM @ 0.1" SP, 80 CFM @ 0.25" SP | 110 CFM @ 0.1" SP, 110 CFM @ 0.25" SP
    Noise (sones)<0.3 @50 CFM, 0.1" SP, 0.4 @50 CFM, 0.25" SP | <0.3 @80 CFM, 0.1" SP, 0.5 @80 CFM, 0.25" SP | <0.3 @110 CFM, 0.1" SP, 0.8 @110 CFM, 0.25" SP
    Energy efficiency (CFM/Watt)16.2 CFM/W @50CFM | 15.3 CFM/W @80 CFM | 11.5 CFM/W @110 CFM
    Motor type (AC/DC)DC
    Duct diameter4" (102 mm) / 6" (152 mm)
    Motion sensorOptional
    Moisture sensor/condensationOptional
    Multi-speed with time delayOptional
    Night lightNo
    Radiation damper availableYes
    Housing dimensions (L x W x H)10-1/4" x 10-1/4" x 7-3/8" (260 x 260 x 187 mm)
    Grille size - Square inches (mm)13" (330 mm)
    cUL listed for tub/shower enclosureYes (when used with a GFCI protected circuit)
Техническая спецификация
  • Уникальная ссылкаwhispergreen-select-one-fan-multiple-iaq-solutions-50-80-110-cfm
  • Тип продукцииHome and Building Solutions
  • Группа продукцииVentilation & Indoor Air Quality / Ventilation Fans
  • ТипОбъект (один объект)
  • Дата публикации2015-06-24
  • Номер версии1
  • Разработано вСоединенные Штаты Америки
  • Страна-производительСоединенные Штаты Америки
  • Категория BIMobjectВентиляция и кондиционирование воздуха - Механическая вентиляция
  • Классификация IFCВентилятор
  • Код ETIMEC000532
  • Название ETIMFan
  • Название по ССКПУ ООНFans
  • Код ССКПУ ООН40101604
  • Код Uniclass 2015Pr_65_67_29
  • Описание Uniclass 2015Fans
  • Код CSI MasterFormat 201411 30 34
  • Заголовок CSI MasterFormat 2014Residential Ceiling Fans
  • Номер OmniClass23-33 31 19
  • Наименование OmniClassFans

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