For precise, non-parametric 'static' Revit and IFC models, please check the 3D configurator under 'Links - Tendering Information'.
The NW Aluminum 840 provides the slimmest and most thermally efficient aluminum frame of the Generation 4 Folding Glass Walls by NanaWall product line. With a frame profile styled in a crisp, angular design, the intersection of two folding panels is a mere 3 7/8" (99 mm). This floor supported system offers an extremely streamlined appearance with minimal exposed hardware, creating a new level of aesthetics.
NW Aluminum 840 offers the largest panel sizes available across the Generation 4 product family. With floor supported panels capable of reaching system heights up to 11' 6" (3500 mm) and panel widths up to 3' 7" (1100 mm), this folding glass wall offers the possibility of wider opening sizes with the integration of FourFold and SixFold Panel Sets that move and stack to either side of the opening. NW Aluminum 840 is available in inswing or outswing configurations and can accommodate open corner designs.
A fundamental benefit of NW Aluminum 840 is energy efficiency. Depending on glass type selected, the panels are up to 20% more thermally efficient than other NanaWall aluminum framed folding product making it an ideal choice for climates requiring superior thermal performance. NW Aluminum 840 comes standard with continuous seals along the face of each panel frame and two levels of insulating thermal breaks for optimal defense from heat and cold.
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