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Access Control- Trio gate turnstile

Access Control- Trio gate turnstile

4.7 out of 5 stars4.7(11 reviews)
Trio: tripod turnstile The turnstiles are the most classic and secure way to protect areas of restricted access.
    The tripod turnstiles are the most classic and secure way to protect areas of restricted access.

    Main characteristics
    Trio Gate 1: box tripod turnstile
    Trio Gate 2: compact tripod turnstile
    Suitable for the access control of people entering into offices, sport facilities, leisure areas, etc.
    Adaptable to other security systems or access control  already installed. Such as fingerprint reader, biometric reader, face access control, digital fingerprint reader.
    Adaptable to any architectonic project.
    Wide range of accessories.

Техническая спецификация
  • Уникальная ссылкаtrio_gate
  • Тип продукцииACCESS CONTROL
  • Группа продукцииTURNSTILE
  • ТипОбъект (один объект)
  • Дата публикации2020-02-21
  • Номер версии1
  • Ширина (мм)570
  • Категория BIMobjectДвери - Безопасность
  • Классификация IFCДверь
  • Название по ССКПУ ООНGate barrier systems
  • Код ССКПУ ООН46161510
  • Номер OmniClass23-29 13 23
  • Наименование OmniClassAccess Control Turnstiles

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