flowIQ® 2200/3200 meters cover a series of integrated, hermetically sealed water meters with a wired
interface connection on front of the meter, as well as integrated radio communication.
flowIQ® 2200/3200 is a static ultrasonic meter using the ultrasonic time of flight measurement principle and without any moving parts. The wired interface can be used for connection to flowIQ® Gateway or be reprogrammed with different pulse output options. The flowIQ® Gateway can be used as a remote display, and/or can be used with IoT (Internet of Things) for additional communication
options. flowIQ® 2200 and flowIQ® 3200 meters are intended for measurement of cold and warm potable water consumption in residentials, multi-unit buildings and commercial applications.
The meter complies with the MID guideline for ultrasonic water meters and are type tested in accordance with the international OIML R49 recommendations.
The flowIQ® 2200 series is fully made of composite, or a composite housing combined with a metal flow part (herein referred to as 2-part body). The flowIQ® 3200 series is, for all sizes, a composite housing combined with a metal body. Both series are battery powered with a D-cell battery providing long battery life, even with high performance communication. The flowIQ® 2200/3200 series are fully protected against internal or external penetration of water.
flowIQ® 3200 is suitable for measurement in multi-unit apartments and light commercial premises.
The meter is suitable for mounting in pump stations or wellheads.
The wired interface on both flowIQ® 2200 and flowIQ® 3200 is build for fully submerged conditions.
The meter can be used with or without the cable connected to the wired interface, without compromising IP protection.
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Европа | Северная Америка |
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