Interpon D Anodic Collection: Steel Bronze 1 Y2206F
Architectural Super Durable Powder Coatings
Collection Anodic is an exclusive range of anodic colors. These attractive matt and metallic effect finishes provide a great alternative to anodized aluminum.
Long-term resistance to weathering and long - term guarantee. Minimal environmental impact compared to real anodizing. Much easier to repair compared to anodized aluminum.
Our superdurable range created to withstand demanding climates. Designed to protect and beautify architectural exterior aluminum applications such as window and door systems, louvres, balustrades, and other exterior metal features on commercial buildings.
Up to 25 years warranty when applied by an approved applicator. Backed by an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD).
To find out more, visit
Caution about the colors on the screen:
We have tried to make the colors and finishes to the screen as close as possible to our products. However, we cannot guarantee an exact match of colors and finishes, images and information contained on this website are not contractually binding. The representation of colors, gloss levels, metallic effects and textures are limited by technology and vary from screens and printers calibration parameters.
Regarding the application of our products, please consult our technical documentation or contact your local AkzoNobel representative.
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