LITEFLAM XT 60 is a patented insulated glass assembly developed for interior glass floors and exterior skylights.
This advanced system is fire rated for 60 minutes, tested to ASTM E119 for Fire-Resistive, heat barrier assemblies.
Engineered to meet ASTM E2751 for design / performance of supported laminated glass, high volume foot traffic and extreme loading.
Glass panels installed from above for safe easy installation.
Options include: sacrificial sheet, durable non-slip surfaces, Low E coatings, factory glazed units with sealed Air - spaces.
LITEFLAM is a proprietary fire-rated glass assembly (developed for interior glass floors and exterior skylights). Used since 2006 and completed over 100 projects worldwide. It is impact resistant and fire rated from 1-2 hours.
LITEFLAM can be used as:
– A durable, non-slip walking surface, with a standard live loading
of 100psf but can be engineered to take higher loading if required;
– 1-hour fire-rated walkable and non walkable skylights;
– 1.5-hour fire-rated walkable and non walkable skylights;
– 2-hour fire-rated walkable and non walkable skylights;
– 1-hour fire-rated glass floors;
– 1.5-hour fire-rated glass floors;
– 2-hour fire-rated glass floors;
LITEFLAM is engineered to meet ASTM E2751 for design/performance of supported laminated glass, high volume foot traffic and extreme loading.
LITEFLAM is tested to ASTM E119 for Fire- Resistive, heat barrier glass.
LITEFLAM is tested to ANSI A326.3 for Slip Resistance.
LITEFLAM offers an optional sacrificial sheet that allows for partial replacement of the top lite only. Which saves replacing the entire assembly.
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