The Gemstone 6237TD roll in trench drain pan is the perfect answer for ADA applications where wheel chair access is required. With a 12 gauge stainless steel cover that can be removed, full cleaning can be achieved as well as excellent water evacuation and drainage from the shower floor. The overall height of the pan is 3 1/2” and with a 1 9/16 overall front threshold, only a slight recess is required for a perfect entry. With a slight drawback on the front of the threshold and a slope back to the pan from the inside of the room, the trench can recapture any water that may be sprayed to the outside. The optional factory applied patented membrane system to the shower pan is perfect for eliminating the risk of leakage at the most vulnerable point between the threshold of the shower pan and the flooring that adjoins, allowing the pan to be tied into a tile or other flooring system. The texture meets and exceeds the F462 COF testing while being very easy to clean and the 1” water dams allow any wall system to be securely added. The grid system on the bottom of the pan has designed locations where elastomeric adhesion can be used to secure the pan to the substrate which is an advantage over other brands.
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