Use Flex-C Arch to frame arches in a fraction of the time required by traditional methods. This sturdy product is manufactured to accommodate most doorway and window arch applications.
With Flex-C Arch you can easily form arches on site or shop form them ahead of time. Either way, Flex-C Arch ensures the highest job production rates.
Flex-C Arch allows installers to create perfectly formed arches that will eliminate call backs.
Create perfect arches using these easy steps:
First, draw the desired arch/curve on a concrete surface.
Second, lay the Flex-C Arch on the drawn line and bend it with your hands to match the curve.
Third, with the Flex-C Arch sitting on the concrete, hammer the tabs flat to embed them. When the Flex-C Arch is too narrow to reach the tabs with a hammer you may need to use a bolt as punch. Flex-C Arch can also be secured into shape by installing self drilling screws along the sides or through the face.
Finally, Slide the Flex-C Arch over the rough opening and secure it with screws or nails. Note: When splicing, first shape and secure Flex-C Arch then overlap and connect with screws.
Standard sizes: 2"x4", 2"x6", 3-5/8" and 6" for residential or commercial applications.
Available lengths: 5' and 8'
Minimum radius: 9"
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