What color do you need? We’ve got it! Swatches wall tile by Crossville offers the ultimate palette for interior vertical surfaces. 12 versatile hues make creating and specifying wall applications simple and fun. Design with the basic hues: Cotton, Eggshell, Stone, and Coal. Mix and mingle the foundational tones with Shadow, Warm Silver, and Sea Ice. Go bold with the vibrant spectrum of Cobalt, Lipstick Red, Pineapple, Petrol, and Spruce. Available in multiple finishes helping boost the versatility even more. All are available in 3"x12" field tile.
Amplify your color swatch by mixing and matching with Snippet, Crossville's 3"x12" wall tile featuring a distinctive left and right triangle pattern. Snippet is a perfect little match for Cotton, Stone, Warm Silver, Lipstick Red, and Coal and Swatches field tile can help you create even more patterns for a dramatic wallscape distinct to your design.
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