DELTA®-FASSADE S The first butted fastener, water-resistive barrier designed to maximize building protection without compromising aesthetics in open-joint cladding applications.
The best way to protect your open-joint cladding design.
Finalizing your design is only half the battle; you therefore need to make sure whatever you're building stays protected. DELTA®-FASSADE S provides water, wind, and UV protection for your open-joint cladding designs with a water-resistive barrier.
Weatherproof performance that will not break down.
The first water-resistive barrier of its kind, DELTA®-FASSADE S is specifically designed for use in demanding open-joint cladding systems, where much of the insulation and substructure is exposed to the elements. It acts as a durable drainage plane, channeling water from wind-driven rain and snow to the outside of the structure. The watertight membrane helps protect the building from the damaging effects of moisture infiltration.
A water-resistive barrier that helps you stay innovative.
The matte black color of DELTA®-FASSADE S adds depth and dimension while improving the visual appeal of any project. Its UV-stable, water-resistive barrier allows you to maximize building protection without compromising aesthetics. DELTA®-FASSADE S maintains its appearance and quality, so you're protected without taking away from the aesthetics of your build.
The leading high-performance solution for the most demanding job. Backed by years of proven performance and unmatched industry credentials, DELTA®-FASSADE S is known for its superior ability to protect buildings, resist UV rays, maintain the integrity of the underneath, and complement any open-joint cladding design. Through extensive research, trials and testing, DELTA®-FASSADE S comes out on top as the first UV-resistant, water-resistive barrier solution for open-joint cladding.
ICC ESR 2932
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