Handle Glove is made of wood from responsibly managed forests and is available in c / c dimensions 160 and in two different designs; oak and black. Glove unites material and shape in the best possible way, which ensures a perfect grip.
A beautiful wooden handle that fits just as well in modern and classic environments.
Wood is a living material and can differ both in color and texture, and as all trees are unique, so is every product from the tree. You can therefore never find the structure and grain exactly identical to another handle, making each handle completely unique. Execution and graining may therefore differ slightly in color.
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Европа |
Австрия |
Аландские острова |
Албания |
Андорра |
Бельгия |
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Босния и Герцеговина |
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о-в Мэн |
Папский Престол (Государство-город Ватикан) |
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