REFINED DESIGN: Extruded aluminum housing with proprietary ZeroEdge diffusing resin lens
MINIATURE FORM FACTOR: 1-1/4” wide x 1-7/16” tall with integral dimming driver
VERSATILE MOUNTING: Grid ceiling, surface, and cable suspended
SEAMLESS ILLUMINATION: Simple connectivity up to 56’
LABOR SAVINGS: Plug-and-play solution allows for a cost effective installation, working below the grid for new ceiling and retrofit applications
The Radical LED luminaire features an integral dimming driver within a minimal 1-1/4” wide by 1-7/16” tall profile. The extruded aluminum fixture is suitable for surface, cable suspended and t-grid ceiling mounting. A specially engineered drop lens profile produces highly uniform luminance on the three sides and corners. The proprietary integral 120V or 277V RAD10 driver includes 0-10V 10% dimming, powering 90+ CRI LEDs with three output options. Fixtures are available as single units or with plug-and-play connectivity for runs of seamless illumination up to 56’. Conforms to JA8 standards.
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