The Hush HL2 direct/indirect luminaire is designed to enhance interior spaces with subtle to bold colors, while damping sound reflections. The 2” wide aperture fixture is clad with ½” thick felt acoustic panels in 8”, 12” or 16” heights and twenty standard colors.
BEVELED EDGE BAFFLES: Increases light distribution while minimizing glare and adding sophistication to the fixture’s details
ACOUSTIC INTERIOR CAVITY: Fixture structure creates sound “trapping” environment within the hollow space between baffles
PERFORMANCE OPTICS: Indirect lighting available with Lambertian and batwing optic options
MANY FINISH OPTIONS: Twenty acoustic baffle finishes complimented with end caps in six standard powder coat colors or optional coordinated RAL finishes
ACCOMPANING BAFFLES: Add additional sound absorption in an architectural space with complimenting HB2 non-illuminated acoustic baffles
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