Timber Swing Doors are ideally suited for Conference Rooms, Offices or Other Spaces where a good sound insulation and reliability is required. They are compatible with most of the systems we offer which include:
Solare™ Partition System
Elevare™ High Wall
Movare™ Movable
Transverto MonobIock™ Modular
The Timber Swing Door is our alternative yet stylish door if you are looking for a contrast to the glazing partition. Constructed with an aluminum frame, the door may be of standard height or may be full height of up to 8’-10” with a thickness of 1 7/8” and fit into any of the partition systems we offer . Vision panels are available. Timber doors are ideally suited for Conference Rooms, Offices or other spaces where a good sound insulation and reliability is required.
The Timber Door fits into straight configurations. A pair of doors is also an option for wider entryways. Our handles, hinges, pivots, sliding hardware, drop seals, door stops and closers are compatible with the Timber Swing Door. Available finishes are shown on the EGGER color chart. The Timber Swing Door has an acoustic rating of up to 36dB.
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