The Pivot Frameless Glass Swing Door is our luxury glass door solution that is completely customizable and is compatible with every partition system we offer as well as solid traditional walls. Free swing and self-closing are options that are offered with this versatile solution. Custom assemblies and custom finishes are also offered with the Pivot Frameless Glass Swing Door. The two-way pivoting doors can fit with almost every system we offer and are available with numerous handle options with both locking and standard.
The door accommodates tempered, laminated, low iron and LCD glazing, and can be clear or patterned or have a custom graphic. The Pivot Frameless Glass Swing Door fits into a straight configuration and the only limit to it’s height is the height of the partition. A pair of pivot doors is also an option for wider entries. The Frameless Glass Pivot Door is compatible with any of the hardware we offer; locking and non-locking.
The Pivot Frameless Glass Swing Door is completely compatible with all of our systems which are fully demountable, which qualify for LEED credits.
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