Slip-resistant sheet flooring for outdoor spaces
Designed for exterior use, Altro Promenade sheet vinyl flooring provides essential slip resistance in areas exposed year-round to changing weather conditions. This range is ideal for indoor applications as well as patios, decks and pool surrounds that prioritize both safety and aesthetic appeal.
Altro Promenade’s impervious surface prevents rainwater and excess moisture accumulation that can damage subfloors over time. It is capable of enduring harsh sunlight and fluctuating temperatures without cracking, fading, or falling apart, making it a practical solution for outdoor areas.
In addition to its impressive durability, Altro Promenade offers a low-depth stepped embossing for smooth underfoot comfort and enhanced cleanability while still providing slip resistance.
Slip-resistant sheet flooring designed for exterior use. Capable of enduring harsh sunlight and fluctuating temperatures without fading, cracking or falling apart. Low-depth stepped embossing provides smooth underfoot comfort and enhanced cleanability.
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