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SOFT FOOT Antivibration Rubber Stand 300x300
SOFT FOOT Antivibration Rubber Stand 300x300
SOFT FOOT Antivibration Rubber Stand 300x300
    Airwent System

    SOFT FOOT Antivibration Rubber Stand 300x300

    Soft Foot is intended for standing and for damping vibrations of installations in buildings, including residential buildings, collective housing and public utility buildings, inside, outside and on the roofs of buildings. It does not require anchoring to the surface, so it can be used on a roof covered with roofing felt or directly on the floor in rooms. Economical, fully flexible and effectively damping vibrations way to support devices, ventilation ducts, storage racks, containers.

    • Product characteristics

      The base is made of SBR rubber (recycled) with an admixture of polyurethane and steel sleeves and rivet nuts.

      Soft Foot is equipped with 1 or 5 points for screwing standard fasteners (rods, screws, etc.) with a diameter of 8 mm
      - with 1 fastener:
      - with 2 fasteners: VARIANT A VARIANT B
      - with 4 fasteners:

      SBR RUBBER shows very good mechanical strength, especially against abrasion and tearing. It is very resistant to squeezes and hugs, abrasion resistant, resistant to tearing. Its properties are preserved even at low temperatures.

      SBR wykazuje wartości:

      • hardness: 50-80 ShA,
      • density: 1,4 do 1,6 g/cm3,

      carried air temperature range: 20 °C do 70 °C

    Техническая спецификация
    • Уникальная ссылкаsoft-foot-antivibration-rubber-stand-copy
    • Тип продукцииVentilation ducts
    • Группа продукцииBases supporting the installation
    • ТипСтроительные материалы
    • Дата публикации2023-10-26
    • Номер версии1
    • Высота (мм)55
    • Ширина (мм)300
    • Глубина (мм)300
    • Основной материалРезина
    • Вспомогательный материалОцинкованная сталь
    • Разработано вПольша
    • Страна-производительПольша
    • Масса нетто (кг)3.6
    • Категория BIMobjectВентиляция и кондиционирование воздуха - Вентиляция и кондиционирование воздуха
    • Классификация IFCГлушитель колебаний
    • Код ETIMEG018410
    • Название ETIMVibration dampers
    • Код Uniclass 2015Pr_80_77_94
    • Описание Uniclass 2015Vibration isolation products
    • Код CSI MasterFormat 201413 48 13
    • Заголовок CSI MasterFormat 2014Manufactured Sound and Vibration Control Components
    • Номер OmniClass23-19 29 19 11
    • Наименование OmniClassSound, Vibration and Seismic Control Products

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