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Siniat Nida lining CD/ES - 25
Siniat PL

Siniat Nida lining CD/ES - 25

Plasterboards can be used to the construction of interior and exterior walls. They are of particular use in the repair of all types of buildings. The surface of the drywall is smooth and forms a perfect base for further finishing works. Plasterboards can be fixed to the wall with plasterboard adhesive or directly on the steel framework using steel partitions. By using plasterboard it is possible to increase the protection for fire resistance of the load-bearing walls of the building up to EI120 class. Building such constructions with an additional layer of mineral wool increases the acoustic and thermal insulation of the external walls.

Nida CD/ES-25 is a lining with Nida Plasterboards sheating (2x12,5mm) on a parallel structure made of Nida CD60 profiles. Nida wall linings are very easy to install. The use of standard ES60 connectors, the same as in ceiling systems, allows for easy installation of CD60 profiles to the wall that is to be leveled or its fire resistance need to be raised.

  • Anchored lining on a NIDA CD60 steel structure with a 2x12.5 mm plasterboard layer. Maximum lining height - no limit.
    System's properties depending on used panel types:
    • NIDA CD/ES-25/Expert: weight 19.0 kg/m2.
    • NIDA CD/ES-25/Woda: weight 20.0 kg/m2.
    • NIDA CD/ES-25/Ogien+: weight 22.0 kg/m2; fire resistance EI30.
    • NIDA CD/ES-25/WodaOgien+: weight 22.0 kg/m2; fire resistance EI30.
    • NIDA CD/ES-25/Twarda: weight 28.0 kg/m2; fire resistance EI30.
    • NIDA CD/ES-25/Hydro: weight 24.0 kg/m2; fire resistance EI30.
Especificações técnicas
  • Ref.ª únicaCD_ES_25_lining
  • Familia de productoLinings
  • Grupo de produtosAnchored linings
  • TipoObject (objeto único)
  • Data de publicação2017-09-20
  • Número de edição1
  • Material principalGesso
  • Material secundárioAço
  • Concebido emPoland
  • Fabricado emPoland
  • Categoria BIMobjectParedes - Paredes
  • Classificação IFCParede
  • Nome UNSPSCGypsum board
  • Código UNSPSC30161509
  • Uniclass 2015 CódigoSs_25_25_45_35
  • Uniclass 2015 DescriçãoGypsum board wall lining systems
  • Código CSI MasterFormat 201409 21 00
  • Título CSI MasterFormat 2014Plaster and Gypsum Board Assemblies
  • Número OmniClass23-15 15 00
  • Título OmniclassWall Coverings, Claddings, Linings
  • Código CSI UniFormat IIC1010
  • Título CSI UniFormat IIPartitions