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Siniat Nida shaft 125A100
Siniat PL

Siniat Nida shaft 125A100

A casing systems of risers is used to hide all kinds of installations in a building. Due to the possibility of smoke or fire spreading to other levels of the building, the risers must be adequately protected. For this purpose, systems based on 12.5 mm, 15 mm, 20 mm or 25 mm plasterboards are used. The plasterboards are fixed to the intermediate support structure or directly to the walls and ceiling. The casing systems of risers using plasterboards help protect against the spread of fire to the EI 120 fire resistance class. An additional feature of these systems is possible acoustic protection from sounds coming from inside the shaft, caused for example by air flow, sanitation system or vibration of the installation.

Nida 125A100 is a shaft protection with Nida Plasterboards sheating (2x12,5mm - one sides) on a parallel structure made of C100 profiles. Its a standard shaftwall with different performance (depends on the used plasterboard)

  • 125 mm shaft on a NIDA C100 steel structure with a 2x12.5 mm plasterboard layer.
    System's properties depending on used panel types:
    • NIDA 125A100/Expert: weight 20.0 kg/m2; sound insluation RW=37dB; maximum shaft height 5010 mm.
    • NIDA 125A100/Woda: weight 21.0 kg/m2; sound insluation RW=37dB; maximum shaft height 5010 mm.
    • NIDA 125A100/Ogien+: weight 24.0 kg/m2; sound insluation RW=40dB; fire resistance EI30; maximum shaft height 4500 mm.
    • NIDA 125A100/WodaOgien+: weight 24.0 kg/m2; sound insluation RW=40dB; fire resistance EI30; maximum shaft height 4500 mm.
    • NIDA 125A100/Twarda: weight 29.0 kg/m2; sound insluation RW=61dB; fire resistance EI30; maximum shaft height 4500 mm.
    • NIDA 125A100/Hydro: weight 25.0 kg/m2; sound insluation RW=40dB; fire resistance EI30; maximum shaft height 4500 mm.
Especificações técnicas
  • Ref.ª única125A100_shaft
  • Familia de productoShafts
  • Grupo de produtosShafts
  • TipoObject (objeto único)
  • Data de publicação2017-09-20
  • Número de edição1
  • Material principalGesso
  • Material secundárioAço
  • Concebido emPoland
  • Fabricado emPoland
  • Categoria BIMobjectParedes - Divisórias
  • Classificação IFCParede
  • Nome UNSPSCGypsum board
  • Código UNSPSC30161509
  • Uniclass 2015 CódigoSs_25_10_30_35
  • Uniclass 2015 DescriçãoGypsum board partition systems
  • Código CSI MasterFormat 201409 21 16.23
  • Título CSI MasterFormat 2014Gypsum Board Shaft Wall Assemblies
  • Número OmniClass23-15 11 11 11
  • Título OmniclassGypsum Board Fixed Partitions
  • Código CSI UniFormat IIC1010
  • Título CSI UniFormat IIPartitions