Elf 2 is the next generation of compact and precise Elf meters. It is based on single-jet mechanical flow meters in the
second accuracy class (according to PN-EN 1434) and which stands out with its modern design.
Elf 2 has new functions and communication capabilities. It can be used as a heat and cooling meter. It has a dynamic
integration period and it is powered by batteries which last for 6 or 12 years of operation. The wide communication
capabilities are supported by interchangeable communication modules: RF Wireless M-Bus with two pulse inputs,
M-Bus with four pulse inputs, M-Bus with two pulse inputs and one pulse output, RS485 with the implemented
Modbus protocol. It is fully compliant with WELMEC 7.2 guidelines to ensure the safety of the measuring instrument software at the
same time.
The meter is designed for heating/cooling systems in residential, office, commercial and apartment buildings. Due to
its attractive design, the meter fits into any room. It can be used as a heat meter, cooling meter, or heat and cooling
meter in one system. It can be mounted horizontally or vertically. It is perfect for residential heat distribution units (logoterma) thanks to dynamic temperature measurement and integration time (2-6 s).Thanks to wide communication capabilities, the meter can be used in cable and wireless automatic reading systems as well as in building automation systems.