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Commercial 22" Self-flashed Low Profile Sun Tunnel Skylight (TGC) for roof slopes 0 - 60 degrees
Commercial 22" Self-flashed Low Profile Sun Tunnel Skylight (TGC) for roof slopes 0 - 60 degrees
Commercial 22" Self-flashed Low Profile Sun Tunnel Skylight (TGC) for roof slopes 0 - 60 degrees
Commercial 22" Self-flashed Low Profile Sun Tunnel Skylight (TGC) for roof slopes 0 - 60 degrees
Commercial 22" Self-flashed Low Profile Sun Tunnel Skylight (TGC) for roof slopes 0 - 60 degrees

    Commercial 22" Self-flashed Low Profile Sun Tunnel Skylight (TGC) for roof slopes 0 - 60 degrees

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    A clarabóia de túnel de sol comercial de 22" VELUX TGC com flash automático foi projetada para fornecer uma solução de luz do dia rápida e econômica para qualquer espaço onde não seja necessária uma vista para o exterior e seja para inclinações de telhado comerciais de 0 a 60 graus (20:12) . Os sistemas de clarabóias tubulares comerciais consistem nos seguintes três sistemas diferentes: o sistema de captura de luz do telhado, o sistema de transferência de luz do túnel e o sistema difusor. O flash pan de uma peça fornece um flash estanque sem costura que posiciona a área de captura de luz do dia do túnel perpendicular à superfície do telhado. As torres de 12” estão disponíveis para telhados planos isolados. O TGC de 22” apresenta uma cúpula externa alta em acrílico ou policarbonato e uma VELUX SunCurve para captar mais luz do dia. Um sistema de 14” também está disponível. O túnel rígido espelhado altamente refletivo transfere com eficiência a luz do dia para o espaço de trabalho, e várias opções de difusores estão disponíveis para atender às necessidades da aplicação: difusores de teto aberto, teto suspenso e teto rígido. O sistema de túnel giratório e os cotovelos ajustáveis facilitam a navegação em estruturas de telhado complexas ou trechos retos simples, o que os torna rápidos e fáceis de instalar. Os controladores de luz natural e outros acessórios tornam as clarabóias tubulares altamente configuráveis para atender às suas necessidades. Visite nosso site ou entre em contato com nossa equipe comercial de atendimento ao cliente pelo telefone 888-878-3589.

    Os acessórios opcionais incluem:

    • Controlador de luz do dia e fontes de alimentação
    • Kits de energia com ruptura térmica
    • Intensificadores de difusão
    • Faixas de fogo opcionais

    Além do tamanho de 22", há um tamanho de 14" e existem outros sistemas de flash de túnel solar VELUX disponíveis para aplicações comerciais e residenciais.

      A. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products of VELUX America Inc., Greenwood, SC 29648;; (800) 878-3589, 

      A. System Description: Tubular unit skylight daylighting devices with exterior glazed dome, glazing retainers and gaskets, pan flashing assembly with integral adjustable pivot device, reflective tunnel, interior diffuser assemblies, and accessories, as required to meet installation and performance requirements indicated.
      1. Basis of Design: VELUX America, Inc., Model TGC Commercial Pan Flashed Sun Tunnel Skylight.

      A. Unit Skylight Standard, 14 inch (356 mm) Unit: AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 (NAFS-11 or previous): 
      Specifier: Retain first four Subparagraphs below and delete following four Subparagraphs for IBC 2012 and 2015 code requirements; verify requirements of authorities having jurisdiction.
      1. Performance Grade (Primary Designator): TDDCC/TDDOC-PG145.
      2. Design Pressure (DP): +300/-145 psf (+14.4/6.94 kPa).
      3. Water Test Pressure: 15 psf (0.72 kPa) with no leakage at 5 gallons per minute spray rate.
      4. Air Leakage Rate: 0.30 cfm/ft2 maximum.
      Specifier: Delete first four Subparagraphs above and retain first four Subparagraphs below for IBC 2009 and NBC code requirements, including CSA A440S1-09; verify requirements of authorities having jurisdiction.
      5. Performance Class and Grade (Primary Designator) CW-PG110.
      6. Design Pressure (DP): +200/-110 psf (+9.58/-5.27 kPa).
      7. Water Test Pressure: 15 psf (0.72 kPa) with no leakage at 5 gallons per minute spray rate.
      8. Canadian Air Infiltration/Exfiltration Rating: A2. (1.5 L/s/m2 maximum)
      B. Unit Skylight Standard, 22  inch (559 mm) Unit: AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 (NAFS-11 or previous): 
      Specifier: Retain first four Subparagraphs below and delete following four Subparagraphs for IBC 2012 and 2015 code requirements; verify requirements of authorities having jurisdiction.
      1. Performance Grade (Primary Designator): TDDCC/TDDOC-PG130.
      2. Design Pressure (DP): +300/-130 psf (+14.4/-6.22 kPa).
      3. Water Test Pressure: 15 psf (0.72 kPa) with no leakage at 5 gallons per minute spray rate.
      4. Air Leakage Rate: 0.30 cfm/ft2 maximum
      Specifier: Delete first four Subparagraphs above and retain first four Subparagraphs below for IBC 2009 and NBC code requirements, including CSA A440S1-09; verify requirements of authorities having jurisdiction.
      5. Performance Class and Grade (Primary Designator): CW-PG100.
      6. Design Pressure (DP): +200/-100 psf (+9.58/-4.79 kPa).
      7. Water Test Pressure: 15 psf (0.72 kPa) with no leakage at 5 gallons per minute spray rate.
      8. Canadian Air Infiltration/Exfiltration Rating: A2 (1.5 L/s/m2 maximum).
      C. Daylighting: Provide daylighting photometric performance comparable to basis of design product at layout indicated, based upon daylighting profile of March 21, 9:00 am local time, at Project location by simulation in accordance with IESNA guidelines.
      D. Air Infiltration: Maximum air leakage through unit of 0.30 cfm/sq. ft. (1.5 L/s/sq. m) of fixed area as determined according to ASTM E 283 at a static-air-pressure differential of 1.57 lbf/sq. ft. (75Pa.)
      E. Water Penetration under Static Pressure: No evidence of water penetration through unit when tested according to ASTM E 331 at a static-air-pressure differential of 15 lbf/sq. ft. (720 Pa).
      Specifier: Retain "Windborne Debris Resistance" Paragraph if required by authorities having jurisdiction. Select optional polycarbonate glazing when retaining this Paragraph.
      F. Windborne-Debris Resistance: Provide tubular unit skylights capable of resisting impact from windborne debris, based on the pass/fail criteria as determined from testing glazed representative of those specified, according to ASTM E 1886 and ASTM E 1996.
      1. Missile Level C, Wind Zone 3 requirements, and +50/-50 psf cycle pressure minimum.
      G. Surface-Burning Characteristics of Plastic Glazing: Provide plastic glazing meeting NAFS and identical to specimens tested for fire-exposure behavior in accordance with test method indicated below by a testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Identify materials with appropriate markings of applicable testing and inspecting agency.
      1. Self-Ignition Temperature: 650 deg F (345 deg. C) or more for plastic glazing in thickness indicated when tested per ASTM D 1929.
      2. Smoke-Production Characteristics: Comply with either requirement below:
      a. Smoke-Developed Index: 450 or less when tested per ASTM E 84 on plastic glazing in manner indicated for application.
      b. Smoke Density: 75 or less when tested per ASTM D 2843 on plastic glazing in thickness indicated for application.
      3. Burning Characteristics: Tested and labeled in accordance with ASTM D 635.
      a. Plastic Glazing for Domes: [Polycarbonate Class CC1] [Acrylic Class CC2].
      H. Fire Ratings for Roof Assemblies with Fire Classifications: Tubular unit skylight with dome edge protection band tested in accordance with ASTM E 108 and listed as passing Burning Brand test with target classification of Class B
      I. Energy Performance with Energy Kit Installed:
      1. Thermal Transmittance: NFRC 100 maximum U-factor: 
      a. 14 inch (356 mm) Units: 0.55 Btu/hr*ft2*deg F (3.12 W/m2*deg C).
      b. 22 inch (559 mm) Units: 0.43 Btu/hr*ft2*deg F (2.44 W/m2*deg C).
      2. Solar Heat-Gain Coefficient (SHGC): NFRC 200 maximum SHGC: 
      a. 14 inch (356 mm) Units: 0.28.
      b. 22 inch (559 mm) Units: 0.26.
      Specifier: Retain "Electrical Components" Paragraph below if retaining requirement for dimmer.
      J. Electrical Components: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, by a qualified testing agency, and marked for intended location and application.
      K. Fall Protection Standard Compliance: 29 CFR 1910.23: Passed.

    Especificação técnica
    • Ref. únicavelux-skylight-tgc
    • Família de produtoWindows
    • Grupo de produtosSkylights
    • Data de publicação2025-01-21
    • Número da edição1
    • Altura (mm)37.25
    • Largura (mm)37.25
    • Profundidade (mm)19
    • Material principalVidro
    • Desenhado emUnited States
    • Fabricado emUnited States
    • Peso Neto (kg)33
    • Categoria BIMobjectJanelas - Clarabóias
    • Código Uniclass 2015Pr_30_59_72_77
    • Descrição Uniclass 2015Skylights
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 Code08 62 23
    • Título CSI MasterFormat 2014Tubular Skylights
    • Número OmniClass23-17 17 13 21
    • Título OmniClassTubular Skylights

    Disponibilidade regional

    Oceânia América do Norte América do Sul
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