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Cliff Déco Modular Sofa
Cliff Déco Modular Sofa
Cliff Déco Modular Sofa
Cliff Déco Modular Sofa

    Cliff Déco Modular Sofa

    4.3 out of 5 stars4.3(7 reviews)
    The Cliff Decò modular sofa is a versatile product, designed to be assembled in a wide variety of ways. The large selection of its modules, along with the vaste array of colours and chosen materials, makes it the perfect product for outdoor furniture. The frame, fully realised in aluminium, is completely upholstered with weather resistant fabric. The comfortable cushions are padded with quick dry foam. The backrests, in aluminium, are covered with synthetic nautical rope or fabric, allowing you to customize your outodoor areas. Always in line with the style of the collection, the armrests of the modules with the backrest in fabric are covered with rope.
    Especificação técnica
    • Ref. únicaCliff-Deco-Composizione
    • Família de produtoCliff Déco
    • Grupo de produtosSofa
    • TipoObjeto (objeto único)
    • Data de publicação2020-04-15
    • Número da edição1
    • Material principalCorda
    • Material secundárioTecido
    • Desenhado emItaly
    • Fabricado emItaly
    • Categoria BIMobjectMobiliário - Sofás
    • Classificação IFCElemento de mobiliário
    • Nome UNSPSCFurniture and Furnishings
    • Código UNSPSC56
    • Código Uniclass 2015Pr_40_50_12_81
    • Descrição Uniclass 2015Sofas
    • Número OmniClass23-11 29 17 11 17
    • Título OmniClassPatio Sofas