Estética minimalista para grandes espaços arquitetônicos. Pertence à gama minimalista e permite obter uma excelente luminosidade e visibilidade total através da abertura de espaços até quatro metros de altura. O seu elevado desempenho térmico e acústico proporciona valores de conforto muito elevados.
• 157 mm frames with mitre joint or straight cutting options.
• The frame may be completely hidden in a masonry wall.
• Visible leaf face of only 10 mm.
• Metal fittings designed for very heavy leaves: up to 500 kg with
42 mm thick glass
• Simple agile movements due to its hidden, stainless steel,
wheeled carriage system that also permits leaf regulation.
• Automatic opening option using motorised leaf.
• Enable spaces of up to heights of four metres.
• Maximum thermal and acoustic performance
• Minimalist aesthetics with a central node of only 27 mm and
hidden lateral leaf option.