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Ponzio WS65THI door

Ponzio WS65THI door

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O sistema permite a realização de janelas de alumínio 1, 2 e 3 folhas, batentes, janelas de porta, porta para uma ou mais portas. Sistema de abertura Wasistas, basculante e giratório, janela pivotante ou janela projetada. Todos os sistemas Ponzio estão disponíveis em várias soluções que você encontrará em nossos catálogos técnicos, que podem ser baixados em nosso site em formato PDF. Seguem-se as características técnicas do sistema em questão: • Isolamento térmico: Uf= 1,4 W/m2K até Uf= 2,7 W/m2K • Permeabilidade ao ar: Classe 4 • Estanquicidade: E1500 • Resistência à carga do vento: C5 • Isolamento acústico: 47 dB • Resistência a roubo: RC3 * NOTA: os dados mostram os valores para uma determinada tipologia do WS65THI com dimensões específicas. Os valores da tipologia selecionada devem ser determinados individualmente.
  • Supply and window installation realized with the “WS 65 THI” system. Section bars are extruded in alloy of aluminium 6060 (UNI 9006/1), T6 supply state (TA 16), dimensional tolerances and thicknesses UNI EN 12020-02. The frame will have to have 65/79 mm. total depth. The wing will have 71/77 mm. depth with heights of the tubular different measurement room for the windows, window doors and in the increased version for the doors, in order to have a proportionate resistance to the solicitations applied to the window. The seal system will be: to joint opened (with central gasket in Epdm with fin of seal in support directed to the suitable inclined wing profile plan) or overlapping. The thermal insulation principle: the internal profile and the external profile are connected with little bars of insulating material with very low conductivity (λ= 0.21-0.30 W/m2K) in order to ensure a good thermal cutting. All this is increased by the presence of a under glass and under frame gasket that contributes to the achievement of a thermal transmittance value “Uw” reduced. Glass gaskets in Epdm with the uobj (leccare) - lip ensure a better thermal and acoustic system performance. Frame and wing section bar corner joints are made through suitable corner joints. In the cross one lower of the frame will have to be practised some slots, concealed by suitable hoods, which will allow the water unloading. In the windows and doors to two or more wings, the central section will be realized by carryover section bar that it allows the beat inversion and that it changes according to the typologies. Be the frame section bars and the glass pane ones are supplied with gasket quarry for the glass sealing. Profiles for strip and base taken back are supplied with kernel what, subject to manufacturing of the section bar, allows the assembly with struts through suitable screws. The superficial section bar finish can be made through anodizing (with prescriptions dictated by the QUALANOD - EURAS/EWAA good quality mark) in the various shades, after undergoing a process of cleaning and pickling, or painting (with prescriptions dictated by the QUALICOAT good quality mark) in the many colours according to the tables RAL.
Especificação técnica
  • Ref. únicaPonzio_WS65THI_porta_door
  • Família de produtoWindows & Doors
  • Grupo de produtosDoors Aluminium
  • TipoObjeto (objeto único)
  • Data de publicação2018-09-28
  • Número da edição1
  • Material principalAlumínio
  • Desenhado emItaly
  • Fabricado emItaly
  • Categoria BIMobjectPortas - Portas de Vidro
  • Classificação IFCJanela
  • Nome UNSPSCWindows
  • Código UNSPSC301716
  • Código Uniclass 2015Ss_25_30
  • Descrição Uniclass 2015Door and window systems
  • Número OmniClass23-17 13 00
  • Título OmniClassWindows

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