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KNX Weather Centre Units

KNX Weather Centre Units

The EMX-8 weather centre unit combines the core and the sensors of the Griesser KNX control in a single unit. The central unit offers flexible and extensive options for the solar shading automation of small to large systems, especially in residential construction. The advantage lies in the central configuration and administration of all important automatic programs using ETS. This makes it easy to set interdependencies dealing with automatic timing or shading. Programming and commissioning are quick, secure and simple due to the communication with the motor control via the Griesser object. The Griesser object links the central unit with all motor controls via a group address.
  • EMX-8 Connections Supply voltage - Voltage: 18 V ... 30 V AC/DC, 50/60 Hz - Current consumption: 120 mA @ 24 V - Cable: connection cable, 4.5 mm with 4 x 0.25 mm2 fine-stranded conductors, 5 m, extendable to max. 100 m Brightness sensor - Recording range: horizontal 360°, 4 brightness sensors - Measuring range: 0 ... 100 kLux, including twilight Wind sensor - Measuring range: 0 – 100 km/h Precipitation sensor - Switching delay: dry -> wet: at once, wet -> dry: 3.5 minutes Temperature sensor - Measuring range: typically –30 to +60°C - Resistance: PT 1000 DIN EN 60751 Global radiation sensors - Measuring range: 0 ... 2000 W/m2 Dimensions - Diameter x Height: 130 x 63.5 mm - Weight: 215 g
Especificação técnica
  • Ref. únicaknx_weather_centre_units
  • Família de produtoControls
  • Grupo de produtosKNX
  • TipoObjeto (objeto único)
  • Data de publicação2017-03-30
  • Número da edição1
  • Categoria BIMobjectJanelas - Ferragens de janela
  • Classificação IFCJanela
  • Nome UNSPSCWindows
  • Código UNSPSC301716
  • Código Uniclass 2015Pr_30_59_98
  • Descrição Uniclass 2015Window units
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 Code08 50 00
  • Título CSI MasterFormat 2014Windows
  • Número OmniClass23-17 13 11
  • Título OmniClassWindow Components 
  • CSI UniFormat II CodeB2010
  • Título UniFormat II da CSIExterior Walls