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Veneto stave
Veneto stave
Veneto stave
Veneto stave

    Veneto stave

    A ceiling model employing panels. These curved sided panels can be produced in lengths of up to 6 metres in different widths and designs (with or without wings) and are clipped into profiles known as battens. This model can be produced in a variety of finishes: with the panels separated by grooves with glazing bars in different colours or closed grooves, offering a wide range of possibilities with this product. The colours of the panels can be combined to produce highly original designs for both interior and exterior spaces. Easy access to the cavity space facilitates maintenance and repair work on lighting, heating and plumbing systems. The material of the panels offers excellent resistance and durability for ceilings and allows for easy cleaning.
    Specyfikacja techniczna
    • Nr referencyjnyVENETO02
    • Rodzina produktuMetallic Ceilings
    • Grupa produktuSTAVES
    • TypObiekt (jeden obiekt)
    • Data publikacji2020-06-10
    • Numer edycji1
    Dodatkowe informacje
    • Materiał głównyMetal
    • Materiał dodatkowyAluminium
    • Zaprojektowano wHiszpania
    • Wyprodukowano wHiszpania
    • Kategoria BIMobjectKonstrukcje - Sufity

    Dostępny w krajach:

    Ameryka Południowa Europa