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Shelves Museum Preservation Cabinet
Shelves Museum Preservation Cabinet
Shelves Museum Preservation Cabinet
Shelves Museum Preservation Cabinet
Shelves Museum Preservation Cabinet
Shelves Museum Preservation Cabinet

    Shelves Museum Preservation Cabinet

    Museum Preservation Cabinet - Shelves

    This museum shelving cabinet is ideal for any collections that require protection from the elements. Simply assembly and durable materials ensure this storage solution will stand the test of time.

    Standard sizes
    Widths: 30", 36", 42", 48", 60"
    Depths: 18", 24", 30", 36"
    Heights: 42", 60", 72", 84", 96"

    • Ideal for museums and similar applications
    • Adjustable number of shelves to provide a variety of storage customization
    • Optional divider in larger units (42"W and above) with ability to customize number of shelves independently on either side
    • Optional casters can be added or removed to create a mobile storage device at any time
    • Provides protection agaisnt external elements such as water, fire, and smoke

    The museum storage cabinet is designed to be highly flexible and adaptable with every Revit model built to reflect its real world counterparts as closely as possible. Use the built in shelf and drawer options to visualize your storage solutions.All shelves, drawers, and doors are assembled without the use of nuts, bolts, or clips. All shelving and drawer units are designed for expansion and are available as mobile-ready for easy conversion. Available full-height center dividers allow for different drawer or shelving configurations on each side of the divider. Available depths make it an ideal choice for any collection or museum applications.
    • ShelvesShelves are constructed of 18-gauge steel, have a height of 1.250 inches and support a uniformly distributed load of 100 pounds. Shelves are installed using clips that allow for removal or adjustment of shelves without the use tools. Shelves available in full or half-width sizes. Nominal Shelf Dimensions
      • Width: 30 inch to 60 inch sections used to meet project requirements
      DoorsDoors are welded construction with a minimum 16-gauge cold rolled steel and reinforced to prevent binding, warping, racking, or twisting. All corner seams are mig-welded (fully filled) and ground smooth to provide aesthetically pleasing, sealed, and square corners. The doors and cabinet are designed to allow removal of all contents when the cabinet doors are opened at 90 degrees. BaseCabinet include an integrated base which houses leveling system and provisions required for stacking and bolting or anchoring of cabinet to a mobile carriage or stationary base. Forklift and caster bases are also available.Accessories
      • Casters
      • Glass Doors
      • Garment Rod
      Finishes Paint finish, low pressure laminate, high pressure laminate,acrylic finish, or non-off-gassing powder coated steel (standard).Sustainability
      • Up to 85% pre and post-consumer recycled content
      • Indoor Advantage Gold Certified for non-emissive materials and finishes (SCS IAQ)
      • Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) with more details about global warming potential, energy demand, and recycled content are available for select products upon request
    Specyfikacja techniczna
    • Nr referencyjnySSG_Cabinet_Museum_Preservation_Shelves_PCS
    • Rodzina produktuMuseum
    • Grupa produktuPreservation, Flat File, Security
    • TypObiekt (jeden obiekt)
    • Data publikacji2021-03-13
    • Numer edycji1
    Dodatkowe informacje
    • Materiał głównyStal malowana proszkowo
    • Kategoria BIMobjectMeble - Półki i regały
    • Klasyfikacja IFCMeble
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 Code10 51 13
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 TitleMetal Lockers
    • OmniClass Number23-21 11 11
    • OmniClass TitleCommercial Storage Units
    • CSI UniFormat II CodeE20
    • CSI UniFormat II TitleFURNISHINGS

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    Antigua i Barbuda
    Brytyjskie Wyspy Dziewicze
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    Saint Lucia
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    Saint Vincent i Grenadyny
    Sint Maarten
    Stany Zjednoczone
    Trynidad i Tobago
    Turks i Caicos
    Wspólnota Saint-Barthélemy
    Wspólnota Terytorialna Saint Pierre i Miquelon
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