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ConFlex™ XL Smooth High Build Acrylic Coating

ConFlex™ XL Smooth High Build Acrylic Coating


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ConFlex XL™ High Build Acrylic Coating is an elastomeric waterproof coating that protects masonry and concrete surfaces from water penetration, even in severe weather environments. Its thick, elastic film covers, hides and protects for long-lasting durability and excellent efflorescence resistance. Available in smooth and texture finishes, ConFlex XL is designed to not trap moisture vapor inside, which reduces blistering and failures. Application is smooth and efficient, resulting in a pinhole-free finish with less labor. In addition, ConFlex XL Texture easily minimizes minor surface imperfections and irregularities, delivering a fresh, textured uniform exterior appearance and longlisting curb appeal with maximum protection from wind-driven rain. Available in a wide range of custom colors, ConFlex XL is ideal for all types of commercial and residential new construction or repaints on stucco, concrete panel, pre-cast concrete panel and CMU.

Specyfikacja techniczna
  • Nr referencyjnysw-063
  • Rodzina produktuPaints and Varnishes
  • Grupa produktuConFlex™
  • TypObiekt (jeden obiekt)
  • Data publikacji2020-01-27
  • Numer edycji1
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Materiał głównyFarba
  • Zaprojektowano wStany Zjednoczone
  • Wyprodukowano wStany Zjednoczone
  • Kategoria BIMobjectMateriały budowlane - Farby i lakiery
  • Klasyfikacja IFCPowierzchnia
  • UNSPSC nameFinishing materials and products
  • UNSPSC code301519
  • Uniclass 2015 CodePr_35
  • Uniclass 2015 DescriptionCovering and finishing products
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 Code09 00 00
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 TitleFinishes
  • OmniClass Number23-15 21 11
  • OmniClass TitlePaints and Varnishes
  • CSI UniFormat II CodeC30

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