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Ruskin Miami-Dade County Approved Stationary Hurricane Louver EME6625D
Ruskin Miami-Dade County Approved Stationary Hurricane Louver EME6625D

    Ruskin Miami-Dade County Approved Stationary Hurricane Louver EME6625D

    The EME6625D Wind Driven Rain Resistant Stationary Louver is 6" deep and it has vertical blades. It features:

    • Approval for use in open structures with provisions to manage weather infiltration.
    • Approval for closed structures with or without provisions to manage weather infiltration when combined with optional CD50 Damper.
    • Miami-Dade NOA #06-1205.08 for EME6625D and EME6625D/CD50 combination
    • Florida Product Approval numbers (2001 code version):
    FL 3286.1 - EME6625D
    FL 3286.2 - EME6625D/CD50 combination
    Specyfikacja techniczna
    • Nr referencyjnyrd-48
    • Rodzina produktuFixed Exterior Louvers and Grilles
    • Grupa produktuHurricane Louvers
    • TypObiekt (jeden obiekt)
    • Data publikacji2009-09-09
    • Numer edycji1
    • Kategoria BIMobjectDrzwi - Żaluzje

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