Opublikuj swoje produkty
Angled Standing Seam Facade (430 mm, horizontal, prePATINA graphite-grey)
Angled Standing Seam Facade (430 mm, horizontal, prePATINA graphite-grey)

    Angled Standing Seam Facade (430 mm, horizontal, prePATINA graphite-grey)

    The angled standing seam is formed similar to the double standing seam except the final fold is turned parallel to the cladding surface. The resulting 12 mm wide seam creates a strong line definition. The standard panel width is 430 mm, the height of the seam is approx. 25 mm. The minimum roof pitch is 25° (47%) or 35° (70%) for areas with high snow loads, a fully supporting substrate is required. Special shapes such as convex and concave curves or tapered panels can be produced without any problem.
    Specyfikacja techniczna
    • Nr referencyjnyRZK010002
    • Rodzina produktuZinc cladding
    • Grupa produktuAngled Standing Seam Facade (430 mm, horizontal, prePATINA graphite-grey)
    • TypObiekt (jeden obiekt)
    • Data publikacji2019-03-01
    • Numer edycji1
    Dodatkowe informacje
    • Materiał głównyCynk
    • Kategoria BIMobjectKonstrukcje - Dachy

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