The RASAN brand drainage manholes are made up of several elements manufactured in PE using the rotational moulding technique.
The pits are supplied with the desired height and for this purpose these elements are joined together until they reach the required height.
The union of these elements is carried out with a continuous welding process with a 250ºC extrusion machine, which allows a perfect and watertight union between the different pieces.
The technical characteristics of the polyethylene used in the manufacture of the elements that make up the pits are as follows:
The technical characteristics of the polyethylene used in the manufacture of the elements that make up the pits are as follows:
Density: 940 Kg/m3
Density: 940 Kg/m3
Elongation at break(90 mm/min): >400%
Tensile strength (50 mm/min): 21 Mpa
Tensile strength (50 mm/min): 21 Mpa
Modulus of elasticity (2 mm/min): 910 Mpa
Modulus of elasticity (2 mm/min): 910 Mpa
Hardness: 54 SHORE D
Hardness: 54 SHORE D
Melt flow index (190ºC, 2.16Kg): 3.4 g/10min
Flowability index (190ºC, 2.16Kg): 3.4 g/10min
Coefficient of linear expansion: 0.155 mm/m ºC
Hardness: 54 SHORE D
Softening temperature: 112ºC
Temperature of softening: 112ºC
Thermal conductivity: 0.35 Kcal/mhºC
Thermal conductivity: 0.35 Kcal/mhºC
Polyethylene is also perfectly resistant to all components of domestic and industrial wastewater and is resistant to most acids and aggressive salts (see table of resistance to chemical products).
Polyethylene is also perfectly resistant to all components of domestic and industrial wastewater and is unalterable to most acids and aggressive salts (see table of resistance to chemical products).
The RASAN pit is manufactured in 400, 315 and 250 mm diameter. The inner bottom of the pit has a ribbed shape that allows it to easily channel the water, preventing it from stagnating.
These are supplied in a wide range of sizes.
These are supplied with the connections prepared according to the needs of the project. These consist of a 10-15 cm long PE pipe welded to the pit by means of filler material.
The connections are supplied with the connections prepared according to the project requirements.
The system for connecting the pipe to the polyethylene pits can be carried out in different ways:
By means of a PVC/PE female sleeve with elastic joint.
By means of a PVC/PE female sleeve with elastic joint.
By means of electro-welding sleeve with PE pipes.
By means of butt welding with PE pipes.
Butt-welding with PE pipe.
Butt-welding with PE pipe.
By PE sleeve with corrugated PE pipe.
By PE sleeve with corrugated PE pipe.
By PE sleeve with PE pipe.
Direct connection with the flared end of the smooth PVC or corrugated PE pipe.
Direct connection with the flared end of the smooth PVC or corrugated PE pipe.
As a final result we obtain a perfectly watertight polyethylene pit, which prevents any infiltration of water into the ground or vice versa, making these pits ideal for ground with water tables and preventing the contamination of aquifers.
Dostępny w krajach:
Europa | Azja | Ameryka północna | Afryka | Ameryka Południowa | Oceania |
Albania | Afganistan | Anguilla | Algieria | Argentyna | Australia |
Andora | Arabia Saudyjska | Antigua i Barbuda | Angola | Boliwia | Dalekie Wyspy Mniejsze Stanów Zjednoczonych |
Austria | Armenia | Aruba | Benin | Brazylia | Fidżi |
Belgia | Azerbejdżan | Bahamy | Botswana | Chile | Guam |
Białoruś | Bahrajn | Barbados | Burkina Faso | Ekwador | Kiribati |
Bośnia i Hercegowina | Bangladesz | Belize | Burundi | Falklandy (Malwiny) | Mariany Północne |
Bułgaria | Bhutan | Bermudy | Czad | Gujana | Mikronezja |
Chorwacja | Brunei Darussalam | Brytyjskie Wyspy Dziewicze | Demokratyczna Republika Konga | Gujana Francuska | Nauru |
Cypr | Brytyjskie Terytorium Oceanu Indyjskiego | Curaçao | Dżibuti | Kolumbia | Niue |
Czarnogóra | Chiny | Dominika | Egipt | Paragwaj | Norfolk |
Czechy | Filipiny | Dominikana | Erytrea | Peru | Nowa Kaledonia |
Dania | Gruzja | Grenada | Etiopia | Surinam | Nowa Zelandia |
Estonia | Hongkong | Grenlandia | Gabon | Urugwaj | Palau |
Finlandia | Indie | Gwadelupa | Gambia | Wenezuela | Papua-Nowa Gwinea |
Francja | Indonezja | Gwatemala | Ghana | Pitcairn | |
Gibraltar | Irak | Haiti | Gwinea | Polinezja Francuska | |
Grecja | Iran | Holandia Karaibska | Gwinea Bissau | Samoa | |
Guernsey | Izrael | Honduras | Gwinea Równikowa | Samoa Amerykańskie | |
Hiszpania | Japonia | Jamajka | Kamerun | Timor Wschodni | |
Holandia | Jemen | Kajmany | Kenia | Tokelau | |
Irlandia | Jordania | Kanada | Komory | Tonga | |
Islandia | Kambodża | Kostaryka | Kongo | Tuvalu | |
Jersey | Katar | Kuba | Lesotho | Vanuatu | |
Liechtenstein | Kazachstan | Martynika | Liberia | Wallis i Futuna | |
Litwa | Kirgistan | Meksyk | Libia | Wyspy Cooka | |
Łotwa | Korea Północna | Montserrat | Madagaskar | Wyspy Marshalla | |
Luksemburg | Korea Południowa | Nikaragua | Majotta | Wyspy Salomona | |
Macedonia Pólnocna | Kuwejt | Panama | Malawi | ||
Malta | Laos | Portoryko | Mali | ||
Man | Liban | Saint Kitts i Nevis | Maroko | ||
Mołdawia | Makau | Saint Lucia | Mauretania | ||
Monako | Malediwy | Saint Martin | Mauritius | ||
Niemcy | Malezja | Saint Vincent i Grenadyny | Mozambik | ||
Norwegia | Mongolia | Salwador | Namibia | ||
Polska | Myanmar (Birma) | Sint Maarten | Niger | ||
Portugalia | Nepal | Stany Zjednoczone | Nigeria | ||
Rosja | Oman | Trynidad i Tobago | Republika Południowej Afryki | ||
Rumunia | Pakistan | Turks i Caicos | Republika Środkowoafrykańska | ||
San Marino | Palestyna | Wspólnota Saint-Barthélemy | Reunion | ||
Serbia | Singapur | Wspólnota Terytorialna Saint Pierre i Miquelon | Rwanda | ||
Słowacja | Sri Lanka | Wyspy Dziewicze | Sahara Zachodnia | ||
Słowenia | Syria | Senegal | |||
Svalbard | Tadżykistan | Seszele | |||
Szwajcaria | Tajlandia | Sierra Leone | |||
Szwecja | Tajwan | Somalia | |||
Ukraina | Turcja | Suazi | |||
Watykan | Turkmenistan | Sudan | |||
Węgry | Uzbekistan | Sudan Południowy | |||
Wielka Brytania | Wietnam | Święta Helena | |||
Włochy | Wyspa Bożego Narodzenia | Tanzania | |||
Wyspy Alandzkie | Wyspy Kokosowe | Togo | |||
Wyspy Owcze | Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie | Tunezja | |||
Uganda | |||||
Wybrzeże Kości Słoniowej | |||||
Wyspy Świętego Tomasza i Książęca | |||||
Wyspy Zielonego Przylądka | |||||
Zambia | |||||
Zimbabwe |