Floor waste collars help prevent the passage of fire and smoke through openings in compartment floors in the event of a fire. For installation of collars on permanent formwork and in thin floor slabs (<150mm) always contact Promat. These collars are available in various models and the type used depends on the certification required for the building.
PROMASEAL® Floor Waste Cast-in Collars (Patent Pending) are designed to provide fire resistance function where floor wastes penetrate wet areas. The collars have been tested for cast-in floor applications with the pipe fitting within the collar and when tested to AS1530: Part 4 and AS4072: Part 1 achieved an FRL of -/240/240.
The FWC100 collar is suitable for 50, 80 & 100mm uPVC, 100mm HDPE and 100mm Rehau Raupiano pipe. Minimum Slab depth is 150mm.
• Tested for uPVC, HDPE and Raupiano pipe
• Can have socket/coupling for either uPVC or HDPE installed within collar
• To suit 50, 80 & 100mm pipes
• High and Low version available
Dostępny w krajach:
Azja | Oceania |
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Azerbejdżan | Dalekie Wyspy Mniejsze Stanów Zjednoczonych |
Bangladesz | Fidżi |
Bhutan | Guam |
Brunei Darussalam | Kiribati |
Brytyjskie Terytorium Oceanu Indyjskiego | Mariany Północne |
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Nepal | Wyspy Cooka |
Pakistan | Wyspy Marshalla |
Singapur | Wyspy Salomona |
Sri Lanka | |
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Tajlandia | |
Tajwan | |
Turkmenistan | |
Uzbekistan | |
Wietnam | |
Wyspa Bożego Narodzenia | |
Wyspy Kokosowe |