Mechanical and electrical (M&E) services require fire protection is require to maintain function of certain essential electrical and/or mechanical systems and services, and also to prevent fire, smoke and toxic fume propagation from one building compartment to another.
It is necessary to ensure the continued function of essential electrical systems and services is maintained during fire, for a specified period of time, until all the building occupants have escaped. Electrical systems that need protection from fire may include:
•Electrically operated fire alarms
•Emergency escape route lighting
•Electrically operated extinguishing systems
•Smoke extraction venting systems
•Power supply for fire service elevators in high-rise buildings
•Water mains supply and pumps servicing sprinkler systems
•Essential life support and/or computer, communication or information technology networks
Dostępny w krajach:
Azja | Oceania |
Armenia | Australia |
Azerbejdżan | Dalekie Wyspy Mniejsze Stanów Zjednoczonych |
Bangladesz | Fidżi |
Bhutan | Guam |
Brunei Darussalam | Kiribati |
Brytyjskie Terytorium Oceanu Indyjskiego | Mariany Północne |
Chiny | Mikronezja |
Filipiny | Nauru |
Gruzja | Niue |
Hongkong | Norfolk |
Indie | Nowa Kaledonia |
Indonezja | Nowa Zelandia |
Japonia | Palau |
Kambodża | Papua-Nowa Gwinea |
Kazachstan | Pitcairn |
Kirgistan | Polinezja Francuska |
Korea Północna | Samoa |
Korea Południowa | Samoa Amerykańskie |
Laos | Timor Wschodni |
Makau | Tokelau |
Malediwy | Tonga |
Malezja | Tuvalu |
Mongolia | Vanuatu |
Myanmar (Birma) | Wallis i Futuna |
Nepal | Wyspy Cooka |
Pakistan | Wyspy Marshalla |
Singapur | Wyspy Salomona |
Sri Lanka | |
Tadżykistan | |
Tajlandia | |
Tajwan | |
Turkmenistan | |
Uzbekistan | |
Wietnam | |
Wyspa Bożego Narodzenia | |
Wyspy Kokosowe |