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nVent CADDY HD-Octagon Box Prefab Assembly
nVent CADDY HD-Octagon Box Prefab Assembly
nVent CADDY HD-Octagon Box Prefab Assembly
nVent CADDY HD-Octagon Box Prefab Assembly
nVent CADDY HD-Octagon Box Prefab Assembly

    nVent CADDY HD-Octagon Box Prefab Assembly

    The nVent CADDY Adjustable Depth Octagon Fire Alarm Box with Mounting Plate Assembly series increases overall productivity and job site safety. For ultimate flexibility, assemblies are configured with the most common box and bracket combinations. This series ensures varying depths of drywall can be installed with confidence due to the ability to adjust box depth. This product series is optimal for in-wall, hard deck and T-Grid luminaire installations.

    Specyfikacja techniczna
    • Nr referencyjnynvent-caddy-hd-octagon-box-prefab-assembly
    • Rodzina produktunVent CADDY
    • Grupa produktuStud Wall & Standard Prefab Assemblies
    • TypMontaż (wiele obiektów)
    • Data publikacji2025-02-20
    • Numer edycji1
    • Kategoria BIMobjectElektryka - Osprzęt elektryczny
    • Klasyfikacja IFCRozdzielanie elektryczności
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 Code26 05 33.16
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 TitleBoxes for Electrical Systems
    • OmniClass Number23-35 33 15
    • OmniClass TitleElectrical Junction Boxes

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