Mora MMIX Tronic is a new sensor controlled basin mixer. Sensor controlled mixers started out in public facilities, but are increasingly finding their way into modern homes. A sensor detects when you put your hands underneath the mixer and automatically activates the water flow until you remove your hands. Hygienic, energy-efficient and childishly simple.
RSK number: 8553527 NRF: 4290054 LVI: 6160656 VVS: 704362004
This product is also availible in colour black, copper (PVD), champagne and polished brass : MMIX Tronic Black: article number: 720080.11 RSK: 8430592 NRF: 4290076 LVI: 6160705 VVS: 704362021 EAN code: 7391887254321 MMIX Tronic Copper: article number: 720080.14 RSK: 8430644 NRF: 4290085 LVI: 6160710 VVS: 704362007 EAN code: 7391887259241 MMIX Tronic Champagne: article number: 720080.16 RSK: 8430645 NRF: 4290086 LVI: 6160711 VVS: 704362003 EAN code: 7391887259395 MMIX Tronic Polished brass: article number: 720080.60 RSK: 8430646 NRF: 4290087 LVI: 6160712 VVS: 704362085 EAN code: 7391887259401
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