LK 130 SmartComfort is an electronic, weather compensated,indoor temperature controller for hydronic radiator and underfloor heating systems. By measuring the supply, outdoor and indoor temperatures LK 130 SmartComfort regulates the mixing valve to provide the system with the exact amount of heat required in the building at any given time. The supply temperature can be limited with a minimum and a maximum value.
LK 130 has an automatic choice of direction to adapt to the direction of the mixing valve. LED-indicators show if the controller is opening or closing the valve. The supply temperature can be limited with a minimum and a maximum value. LED-indicators show if the controller is opening or closing the valve. Adjustments are easily made with the push buttons marked “+” and “- “. The selected value will be shown on the LED-display.
LK 130 SmartComfort is easy to install onto new as well as existing mixing valves. Mounting kits for installation onto mixing valves of other brands are available - see separate page.
The plug-in adapter provides quick and easy do-it-yourself installation. In case of a power outage the controller will keep its settings and the actuator will stop in its current position. By disengaging the controller, the mixing valve can be manually operated.
LK 130 SmartComfort is delivered with a room temperature unit allowing easy setting of the desired indoor temperature. The room temperature unit is available in two versions; with fixed cable SmartComfort RT or wireless receiver SmartComfort RTW.
The room temperature unit is equipped with a connection port for external control, such as via a GSM modem, making it possible to activate a preset temperature change via mobile phone.
For further energy saving and increased comfort there are nine preset programs with scheduled temperature changes. You can
also create your own programs. Additional functions such as holiday and timer settings are available. The current outdoor temperature can be read on the room temperature unit.
After a temperature setback the room temperature unit applies a booster function which briefly increases the supply temperature in order to quickly reach the desired room temperature.
Should the room temperature unit sense a sudden change in temperature, such as when airing a room, the unit disregards this change for the following half hour.
For further energy saving a pump control, SmartComfort PC, can easily be connected to the controller - see under Accessories.
SmartComfort PC stops the circulating pump when no heat is required and exercises pump every two days, thus eliminating the risk of pump stalling after an intermission.
Dostępny w krajach:
Europa | Azja | Ameryka północna | Afryka | Ameryka Południowa | Oceania |
Albania | Afganistan | Anguilla | Algieria | Argentyna | Australia |
Andora | Arabia Saudyjska | Antigua i Barbuda | Angola | Boliwia | Dalekie Wyspy Mniejsze Stanów Zjednoczonych |
Austria | Armenia | Aruba | Benin | Brazylia | Fidżi |
Belgia | Azerbejdżan | Bahamy | Botswana | Chile | Guam |
Białoruś | Bahrajn | Barbados | Burkina Faso | Ekwador | Kiribati |
Bośnia i Hercegowina | Bangladesz | Belize | Burundi | Falklandy (Malwiny) | Mariany Północne |
Bułgaria | Bhutan | Bermudy | Czad | Gujana | Mikronezja |
Chorwacja | Brunei Darussalam | Brytyjskie Wyspy Dziewicze | Demokratyczna Republika Konga | Gujana Francuska | Nauru |
Cypr | Brytyjskie Terytorium Oceanu Indyjskiego | Curaçao | Dżibuti | Kolumbia | Niue |
Czarnogóra | Chiny | Dominika | Egipt | Paragwaj | Norfolk |
Czechy | Filipiny | Dominikana | Erytrea | Peru | Nowa Kaledonia |
Dania | Gruzja | Grenada | Etiopia | Surinam | Nowa Zelandia |
Estonia | Hongkong | Grenlandia | Gabon | Urugwaj | Palau |
Finlandia | Indie | Gwadelupa | Gambia | Wenezuela | Papua-Nowa Gwinea |
Francja | Indonezja | Gwatemala | Ghana | Pitcairn | |
Gibraltar | Irak | Haiti | Gwinea | Polinezja Francuska | |
Grecja | Iran | Holandia Karaibska | Gwinea Bissau | Samoa | |
Guernsey | Izrael | Honduras | Gwinea Równikowa | Samoa Amerykańskie | |
Hiszpania | Japonia | Jamajka | Kamerun | Timor Wschodni | |
Holandia | Jemen | Kajmany | Kenia | Tokelau | |
Irlandia | Jordania | Kanada | Komory | Tonga | |
Islandia | Kambodża | Kostaryka | Kongo | Tuvalu | |
Jersey | Katar | Kuba | Lesotho | Vanuatu | |
Liechtenstein | Kazachstan | Martynika | Liberia | Wallis i Futuna | |
Litwa | Kirgistan | Meksyk | Libia | Wyspy Cooka | |
Łotwa | Korea Północna | Montserrat | Madagaskar | Wyspy Marshalla | |
Luksemburg | Korea Południowa | Nikaragua | Majotta | Wyspy Salomona | |
Macedonia Pólnocna | Kuwejt | Panama | Malawi | ||
Malta | Laos | Portoryko | Mali | ||
Man | Liban | Saint Kitts i Nevis | Maroko | ||
Mołdawia | Makau | Saint Lucia | Mauretania | ||
Monako | Malediwy | Saint Martin | Mauritius | ||
Niemcy | Malezja | Saint Vincent i Grenadyny | Mozambik | ||
Norwegia | Mongolia | Salwador | Namibia | ||
Polska | Myanmar (Birma) | Sint Maarten | Niger | ||
Portugalia | Nepal | Stany Zjednoczone | Nigeria | ||
Rumunia | Oman | Trynidad i Tobago | Republika Południowej Afryki | ||
San Marino | Pakistan | Turks i Caicos | Republika Środkowoafrykańska | ||
Serbia | Palestyna | Wspólnota Saint-Barthélemy | Reunion | ||
Słowacja | Singapur | Wspólnota Terytorialna Saint Pierre i Miquelon | Rwanda | ||
Słowenia | Sri Lanka | Wyspy Dziewicze | Sahara Zachodnia | ||
Svalbard | Syria | Senegal | |||
Szwajcaria | Tadżykistan | Seszele | |||
Szwecja | Tajlandia | Sierra Leone | |||
Ukraina | Tajwan | Somalia | |||
Watykan | Turcja | Suazi | |||
Węgry | Turkmenistan | Sudan | |||
Wielka Brytania | Uzbekistan | Sudan Południowy | |||
Włochy | Wietnam | Święta Helena | |||
Wyspy Alandzkie | Wyspa Bożego Narodzenia | Tanzania | |||
Wyspy Owcze | Wyspy Kokosowe | Togo | |||
Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie | Tunezja | ||||
Uganda | |||||
Wybrzeże Kości Słoniowej | |||||
Wyspy Świętego Tomasza i Książęca | |||||
Wyspy Zielonego Przylądka | |||||
Zambia | |||||
Zimbabwe |