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K-13460 Sculpted Touchless faucet with Insight™ technology and temperature mixer, DC-powered

K-13460 Sculpted Touchless faucet with Insight™ technology and temperature mixer, DC-powered

Industry-standard sized integrated lavatory solution coordinates with Persuade Ensemble and provides clean design lines to complement many bath decors.

  • 25-1/4"L x 22" H
  • Constructed of vitreous china
  • Works with Persuade furniture K-2526, K-2527 and K-2529 or other 24"H x 22"W standard bath furniture or vanities
  • 8" center faucet drilling
  • With overflow
Specyfikacja techniczna
  • Nr referencyjnykohler-k-13460
  • Rodzina produktuMixing Faucets
  • Grupa produktuSculpted
  • TypObiekt (jeden obiekt)
  • Data publikacji2011-08-09
  • Numer edycji1
  • Kategoria BIMobjectUrządzenia sanitarne - Krany/Baterie/Elementy mosiężne

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