The traffic flows of certain building projects or phases are so intensive that flexible access control is necessary. The Heras Mobile Boom Barrier then offers a fast and flexible solution for openings up to 6 metres. Turnkey delivered on a concrete floor slab. The hinged catch post enables the total opening of maximum 6 metres to be used to optimum effect. Infrared detection prevents the barrier arm being lowered while there is a vehicle under it.
Dostępny w krajach:
Europa |
Andora |
Austria |
Belgia |
Czarnogóra |
Czechy |
Dania |
Finlandia |
Francja |
Holandia |
Irlandia |
Liechtenstein |
Luksemburg |
Monako |
Niemcy |
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Szwecja |
Watykan |
Węgry |
Wielka Brytania |