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Model 8780, ePOD™ Indoor Emergency Water Tempering Skid

Model 8780, ePOD™ Indoor Emergency Water Tempering Skid

Model 8780 ePOD™ skid-mounted tempering system is the heart of the Haws Integrated tempering solutions line, offering a wide range of options to apply the equipment to an extensive range of water tempering solutions. The 8780 tempering skid mixes it’s pre-heated water supply in its onboard storage tank with low temperature facility water through its Haws Tempered Water Blending System, to produce an ANSI compliant water supply for all safety equipment in the plumbed system. Included is an aluminum 5' x 5' (1.5 x 1.5 m) frame with a composite equipment platform, with high visibility green chemical and UV resistant polyester based powder coating. This single or multiple shower and/or eyewash feeder provides an operating temperature range of 35° to 120° F (45.5° to 48.9° C), and is designed to operate with a number of tempering and electrical options. The tempered water blending system includes an integral hot water supply with 480V 1ph, and will incorporate fail-safe features like anti-scald protection and full flow cold water bypass. The electrical system can be easily adapted to voltages upon request

  • Standardized platform provides shorter lead times and customizable configuration options
  • Ready-to-incorporate design variations including hot water supply, electrical type, blending capabilities, stainless steel piping, and more
  • Optional VFD/Pump package for recirculation and/or pressure boosting applications

  • Model 8780 ePOD™ skid-mounted tempering system is the heart of the Haws Integrated tempering solutions line, offering a wide range of options to apply the equipment to an extensive range of water tempering solutions. The 8780 tempering skid mixes it’s pre-heated water supply in its onboard storage tank with low temperature facility water through its Haws Tempered Water Blending System, to produce an ANSI compliant water supply for all safety equipment in the plumbed system. Included is an aluminum 5' x 5' (1.5 x 1.5 m) frame with a composite equipment platform, with high visibility green chemical and UV resistant polyester based powder coating. This single or multiple shower and/or eyewash feeder provides an operating temperature range of 35° to 120° F (45.5° to 48.9° C), and is designed to operate with a number of tempering and electrical options. The tempered water blending system includes an integral hot water supply with 480V 1ph, and will incorporate fail-safe features like anti-scald protection and full flow cold water bypass. The electrical system can be easily adapted to voltages upon requests.

Specyfikacja techniczna
  • Nr referencyjnyhaws-8780
  • Rodzina produktuPlumbing
  • Grupa produktuWater Supply Systems
  • TypObiekt (jeden obiekt)
  • Data publikacji2014-03-24
  • Numer edycji1
  • Wysokość (cale)80
  • Szerokość (cale)60
  • Głębokość (cale)60
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Materiał głównyMetal
  • Zaprojektowano wStany Zjednoczone
  • Wyprodukowano wStany Zjednoczone
  • Kategoria BIMobjectHydraulika - Pompy
  • UNSPSC nameThermal batteries
  • UNSPSC code26111713
  • Uniclass 2015 CodePr_65_54_95_88
  • Uniclass 2015 DescriptionThermostatic mixing valves
  • OmniClass Number23-27 31 29 15
  • OmniClass TitleThermostatically Controlled Mixing Valves

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