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Freestanding Quad Door Refrigerator Freezer, 36", 18.9 cu ft, Ice & Water-RF203QDUVX1
Freestanding Quad Door Refrigerator Freezer, 36", 18.9 cu ft, Ice & Water-RF203QDUVX1

    Freestanding Quad Door Refrigerator Freezer, 36", 18.9 cu ft, Ice & Water-RF203QDUVX1

    Large capacity, counter depth for flush fit, with Variable Temperature Zone. ActiveSmart™ technology helps keep food fresher for longer by constantly maintaining the ideal temperature.. Door water dispenser and internal ice maker with boost function. Variable Temperature Zone lets you change a compartment to Fridge, Chill, Soft Freeze or Freezer for optimal storage. Spacious bottom freezer with full extension drawer gives easy access to frozen goods
    • Width:35 5/8 Height:70 1/2 Depth:27 1/16
    Specyfikacja techniczna
    • Nr referencyjnyRF203QDUVX1-24891
    • Rodzina produktuCOOLING
    • Grupa produkturefrigeration
    • TypDigital Inventory (Products)
    • Data publikacji2022-05-20
    • Numer edycji1
    Dodatkowe informacje
    • Materiał głównyStal
    • Zaprojektowano wNowa Zelandia
    • Kategoria BIMobjectKuchnie - Sprzęt AGD