Opublikuj swoje produkty
Post and Panel System

Post and Panel System

Specifically, our designers and engineers developed the unique Post and Panel System (PPS) to meet the unique needs of common-areas in the multi-family or commercial environment. The PPS provides needed countertop space without additional storage, while encompassing the aesthetics of our traditional cabinetry. With panels that are easily removed and replaced, even with a countertop in place, the PPS is designed for the wear and abuse often associated with multi-family common areas. Used as a stand-alone island or seamlessly integrated with our traditional cabinet line, PPS equips designers, architects and developers with seemingly unlimited configuration options. PPS provides a cost effective and flexible design option.

Specyfikacja techniczna
  • Nr referencyjnypost-and-panel-system
  • Rodzina produktuCabinetry
  • Grupa produktuCommercial and Multi-Family
  • TypObiekt (jeden obiekt)
  • Data publikacji2023-02-03
  • Numer edycji1
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Zaprojektowano wStany Zjednoczone
  • Wyprodukowano wStany Zjednoczone
  • Kategoria BIMobjectKuchnie - Szafki kuchenne
  • Uniclass 2015 CodePr_40_30_78_43
  • Uniclass 2015 DescriptionKitchen bench cupboards
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 Code12 35 30.13
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 TitleKitchen Casework
  • OmniClass Number23-21 19 15 33
  • OmniClass TitleResidential Specialty Casework