The Guardiar Global Situational Awareness System is a video management and access control system.
The non-splicing camera with adjustable lenses
allows for 360° surveillance coverage, which can be
used in conjunction with multiple cameras, and is quick
and easy to install.
> Smart Codec (H.265+ & H.264+) - reduces bit rate and storage
requirements by up to 70% when compared to standard video
> Face Detection - detecting, tracking, capturing and selecting
the best face image
> People Counting - track and process moving humans to gather
accurate statistics of entry, exit number and people in an area.
> Perimeter Protection - recognize human and vehicle accurately
> Protection from water and dust (IP67, IK10, wide voltage)
Dostępny w krajach:
Azja | Afryka | Ameryka północna |
Afganistan | Angola | Stany Zjednoczone |
Arabia Saudyjska | Botswana | |
Bahrajn | Egipt | |
Irak | Lesotho | |
Iran | Malawi | |
Izrael | Mozambik | |
Jemen | Namibia | |
Jordania | Republika Południowej Afryki | |
Katar | Suazi | |
Kuwejt | Zambia | |
Liban | Zimbabwe | |
Oman | ||
Palestyna | ||
Syria | ||
Turcja | ||
Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie |