The 10GX REVConnect Wall-Mount System is a very high-density, flexible cross-connect system that meets Category 6A performance when using 10GXS cable terminated with REVConnect Cores as jumpers between user and equipment ports. As the basic component of the system, the REVConnect Coupler (core-to-core connector) is surrounded by cable dressing and patch cable management accessories. The REVConnect 10GX Coupler is a keystone-style component and can be used in any patch panel in Consolidation Point applications resulting in very cost-effective solutions.
Dostępny w krajach:
Ameryka północna |
Anguilla |
Antigua i Barbuda |
Aruba |
Bahamy |
Barbados |
Belize |
Bermudy |
Brytyjskie Wyspy Dziewicze |
Curaçao |
Dominika |
Dominikana |
Grenada |
Grenlandia |
Gwadelupa |
Gwatemala |
Haiti |
Holandia Karaibska |
Honduras |
Jamajka |
Kajmany |
Kanada |
Kostaryka |
Kuba |
Martynika |
Meksyk |
Montserrat |
Nikaragua |
Panama |
Portoryko |
Saint Kitts i Nevis |
Saint Lucia |
Saint Martin |
Saint Vincent i Grenadyny |
Salwador |
Sint Maarten |
Stany Zjednoczone |
Trynidad i Tobago |
Turks i Caicos |
Wspólnota Saint-Barthélemy |
Wspólnota Terytorialna Saint Pierre i Miquelon |
Wyspy Dziewicze |