M-510 is a white cement based dry-mixed one-layer mortar with appropriate white marble granulation and special organic admixtures. Requires only the addition of water.
Particle size: Up to 1,4 mm
Water demand: 6 lt/sack 30 Kg
Bulk density of dry mortar: 1.6±0.10 Kg/Lt
Bulk density of fresh mortar: 1.75±0.05Kg/Lt
Compressive strength: CS III N/mm2
Bond strength as initial tensile adhesion strength: 0,3 N\mm² - FP B
Water absorption: W0
Thermal conductivity (λ10,dry): 0,77 W/MK
Pot life: 2 h at 20ο C
Reaction to fire: Euroclass Α1